Friday, April 24, 2009

Caprica, BSG for the Young'uns

Here is where I catch up on yet another show. Caprica was certainly much better than the Doctor Who Easter special. I did feel like the creators of Caprica were repositioning Battlestar Galactica as a brand for the young adult market, which left a cynical taste in my mouth.

Caprica was a creation myth about the building of the first Cylon. It was set only 58 years before the events of BSG and I thought that the first Cylon war was longer than 18 years. Am I going crazy?

I felt that the club scenes were arresting in their concept and level of public nudity and violence, but it also tried very hard. But then they were the creation of teenagers and they do indeed try overly hard to be cool.

The acting was good, the casting and sets were good, and the twist at the end made the whole show. It's worth watching, especially for BSG fans. Of course, I'm so late in posting this that you've probably all seen it already.

What truly disappointed me is that this show reveals that the "one true god" of the Cylons was based on a human religion. I think this wrecks BSG a bit for me because I thought that having robots come up with their own monotheistic religion in contrast to their polytheistic creators was just so lovely. Now it's like a favourite toy has been broken, and I feel a bit sulky about it.

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